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項次 中文 英文
421 交付觀察 Empirical execution (Release on observation )
422 交易前後手 antecedent and subsequent parties to transaction
423 交通工具排放空氣污染物罰鍰標準 Imposition of Fine Standards for Air Pollution Exhausted by Motor Vehicles
424 交通紀錄科 Traffic Affairs Recording Section
425 休假 Annual Leave
426 仲裁人 Arbitrator
427 仲裁判斷 Arbitration Award
428 仲裁協議 Arbitration Agreement
429 仲裁法庭 Arbitral tribunal
430 任用 Appointment
431 企業併購法 Business Mergers And Acquisitions Act
432 光碟管理條例 Optical Disk Act
433 先予試用 Probation
434 全民健康保險 national health insurance
435 全民健康保險法 National Health Insurance Act
436 全民健康保險法施行細則 Enforcement Rules of the National Health Insurance Act
437 全民健康保險特殊診療項目及藥材事前審查作業要點 Operational Guidelines Governing the Preapproval of Specific Diagnostic Items and Medications for National Health Insurance
438 全民健康保險高科技診療項目及審查程序作業要點 Operational Guidelines Governing the Preapproval of High Technological Diagnostic Items for National Health Insurance
439 全民健康保險醫事服務機構醫療服務審查辦法 Regulations Governing the Review of the Medical Services Rendered by the Medical Organizations for National Health Insurance
440 全民健康保險醫療辦法 Regulations Governing the National Health Insurance Medical Care
441 全年綜合所得 total annual consolidated income
442 全國性中央民意代表 representatives at large
443 全國軍公教人員待遇支給辦法 Regulations Governing the Payment of Remuneration to Military, Public and Teaching Personnel
444 共同訴訟 Joint Proceedings
445 共有 co-ownership
446 共有人 co-owner
447 共有物 common property
448 再提名 re-nomination
449 再訴願 administrative re-appeal
450 再審 action for retrial; appeal for retrial; retrial
451 再審之訴 action for retrial
452 再審程序 proceeding for retrial
453 刑事上之訴究 criminal prosecution
454 刑事紀錄科 Criminal Recording Section
455 刑事庭 criminal court division
456 刑事案件 criminal cases
457 刑事商談室 Criminal Negotiation Room
458 刑事第一法庭 Criminal Court Room 1
459 刑事責任 criminal liability
460 刑事訴訟法 The Code of Criminal Procedure
461 刑事廳 Criminal Department
462 刑法 Criminal Code of the Republic of China
463 刑罰 criminal punishment
464 刑罰權 power of criminal punishment
465 印花稅法 Stamp Tax Act
466 同居 cohabitation
467 同居義務 marital obligation to cohabitation
468 吊銷駕駛執照 suspend the driver's license
469 合目的性 purpose-specific
470 合作事業獎勵規則 Regulations Governing Inspections, Appraisals, and Incentive Measures on Cooperatives
471 合作社法 Cooperatives Act
472 合併申報 joint tax return
473 合法建物 legitimate building
474 合格實授 Qualification of Appointment Verified
475 合理補償 fair compensation
476 合理確信 reasonable assurance
477 合憲 constitutionality
478 回復原狀及損害賠償 rehabilitation and compensation
479 回復請求權 right to repossession
480 地下設施物 underground facilities