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項次 中文 英文
541 自動電子報到區 Automated Self Check-in Area
542 自動電子報到機 Automated Self Check-in Kiosk
543 自動繳納 voluntary payment
544 自然死亡 natural death
545 自訴 private prosecution
546 自訴人席﹙附帶民事訴訟原告代理人席﹚ Private Prosecutor﹙Agent ad litem of Plaintiff of Ancillary Civil Action﹚
547 自訴代理人律師席 Private-Prosecution Agent ad litem
548 自願退休 voluntary retirement
549 行刑權 power to execute punishment
550 行使債權 exercise the right of claims
551 行政(襄閱)庭長室 Administrative Assistant to The Chief Judge
552 行政上之目的 administrative objective
553 行政命令 administrative ordinances
554 行政法 Administrative Law
555 行政法院 administrative court
556 行政法院組織法 The Administrative Court Organization Act
557 行政法院處務規程 Directives for the Operational Procedure of Administrative Court
558 行政法規 administrative regulation
559 行政爭訟 administrative litigation
560 行政契約 administrative contract
561 行政秩序罰;秩序罰 penalty for offense against the order of administration
562 行政院 Executive Yuan
563 行政院人事行政局地方行政研習中心組織條例 Organic Act of the Regional Civil Service Development Institute of the Central Personnel Administration of the Executive Yuan
564 行政院人事行政局組織條例 Organic Act of Central Personnel Administration, Executive Yuan
565 行政院公平交易委員會組織條例 Organic Act of Fair Trade Commission, Executive Yuan
566 行政院主計處組織法 Organic Act of Directorate General of Budget, Accounting and Statistics, Executive Yuan
567 行政院主計處電子處理資料中心組織條例 The Organization Act of The Data Management Processing Center of The Directorate-General of Budget, Accounting and Statistics of The Executive Yuan
568 行政院研究發展考核委員會組織條例 Organic Act of the Research, Development and Evaluation Commission, Executive Yuan
569 行政院原住民族委員會文化園區管理局組織條例 Organization Regulations Of Bureau Of Culture Park, Council Of Indigenous Peoples,executive Yuan
570 行政院原住民族委員會組織條例 Council of Indigenous Peoples Executive Yuan Organization Bylaws Bylaws
571 行政院院長 Premier
572 行政院國軍退除役官兵輔導委員會各農場有眷場員就醫就養或死亡開缺後房舍土地處理要點 Regulations for Handling of the Houses and Lands Vacated by Married Veterans Working on Plantations Owned by Veterans Affairs Commission After their Hospitalization, Retirement or Death
573 行政院經濟建設委員會組織條例 The Organic Act of the Council for Economic Planning and Development, Executive Yuan
574 行政院暨所屬各機關計畫預算執行考核獎懲作業要點 Regulations for the Operations of the Examination, Reward and Discipline Concerning the Execution of Planned Budget of the Executive Yuan and Its Affilliated Agencies
575 行政執行法 The Administrative Execution Act
576 行政措施 administrative measures
577 行政救濟 administrative remedy
578 行政救濟程序;行政爭訟程序 procedures for administrative remedies
579 行政處分 Administrative Act
580 行政規則 administrative directive
581 行政訴訟 administrative litigation
582 行政訴訟及懲戒廳 Department of Administrative Litigation and Discipline
583 行政訴訟法 Administrative Litigation Act
584 行政訴訟法庭 Administrative Litigation Courtroom
585 行政訴訟庭 Administrative Litigation Division
586 行政訴訟程序 administrative litigation procedure
587 行政訴訟新制 new system of administrative proceeding
588 行政訴願 administrative appeal
589 行政解釋 administrative construction; administrative interpretation
590 行政罰 administrative sanction
591 行政機關 administrative agency
592 行為罰 behavioral punishment
593 行憲 implementation of the Constitution
594 住所 domicile
595 估計所得額 estimated income
596 佐理員 Assistant
597 佃農 tenant farmer
598 但書 proviso
599 作為義務 legal duty to act
600 作證 testify