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161 公務人員住宅及福利委員會組織條例 Organization Act of the Civil Service Housing and Welfare Committee 憲法法庭書記廳
162 公務人員保障法 Civil Service Protection Act 憲法法庭書記廳
163 公務人員保險 government employee insurance; insurance for government employees 憲法法庭書記廳
164 公務人員保險法 Public Functionaries Insurance Act 憲法法庭書記廳
165 公務人員保險法施行細則 Enforcement Rules of the Public Functionaries Insurance Act 憲法法庭書記廳
166 公務人員俸給法 Public Functionaries Remuneration Act 憲法法庭書記廳
167 公務人員俸給法施行細則 Enforcement Rules of Public Functionaries Remuneration Act 憲法法庭書記廳
168 公務人員退休法 Public Functionaries Retirement Act 憲法法庭書記廳
169 公務人員退休法施行細則 Enforcement Rules of Public Functionaries Retirement Act 憲法法庭書記廳
170 公務人員高等考試暨普通考試訓練辦法 Regulations Governing the Training of Public Functionaries Passing High Level or Ordinary Level Civil Test 憲法法庭書記廳
171 公務人員撫卹法 Act Governing the Payment of Compensation to Surviving Dependents of Public Functionaries 憲法法庭書記廳
172 公務員服務法 Public Functionary Service Act 憲法法庭書記廳
173 公務員請假規則 Rules Governing the Public Functionaries’ Request for Leave 憲法法庭書記廳
174 公務員懲戒委員會 Public Functionary Disciplinary Sanction Commission 司法行政廳
175 公務員懲戒委員會組織法 Organic Act of Commission on the Disciplinary Sanction of Functionaries 憲法法庭書記廳
176 公務員懲戒法 Public Functionaries Discipline Act 憲法法庭書記廳
177 公務機密維護 Protection of Official Confidential Information 政風處
178 公教人員退休金其他現金給與補償金發給辦法 Regulations Regarding Supplementary Compensation for Government Employees and Teachers’ Pension and other Cash Benefits 憲法法庭書記廳
179 公設辯護人 Public Defender 司法行政廳
180 公設辯護人室 Public Defender Office 司法行政廳
181 公訴 public prosecution 憲法法庭書記廳
182 公費 government fund 憲法法庭書記廳
183 公開透明原則 principle of transparency 憲法法庭書記廳
184 公積 surplus 憲法法庭書記廳
185 公營事業;公營事業機構;國營事業 state-owned enterprise 憲法法庭書記廳
186 公營事業移轉民營條例 Statute of Privatization of Government-Owned Enterprises 憲法法庭書記廳
187 公營事業機關 state-owned organization 憲法法庭書記廳
188 公職 government employment 憲法法庭書記廳
189 公職人員利益衝突迴避法 Act on Recusal of Public Servants Due to Conflicts of Interest 政風處
190 公職人員財產申報法 Act on Property-Declaration by Public Servants 政風處
191 公職人員財產申報資料查閱室 Inquiring Room for the Declared Properties of the Public Servants 司法行政廳
192 公職人員財產申報資料審核及查閱辦法 Regulations Governing Examination and Browsing of Materials of Property-Declaration by Public Servants 政風處
193 公職人員選舉罷免法 Civil Servants Election And Recall Act 憲法法庭書記廳
194 公醫制度 public medical service 憲法法庭書記廳
195 公證 notarize 民事廳
196 公證人 Notary 民事廳
197 公證服務 Notarization Service 司法行政廳
198 公證法 The Notary Act 民事廳
199 公證書 notarial deed 民事廳
200 公證處 Notary Public Office 司法行政廳