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561 各級法院行政法院及公務員懲戒委員會未結案件經過時間 State of Elapse of Time of Unterminated Cases in All Levels of the Courts, Administrative Courts, and the Commission on the Disciplinary Sanctions of Functionaries 4月份 DOCODT
562 各級法院行政法院及公務員懲戒委員會未結案件經過時間 State of Elapse of Time of Unterminated Cases in All Levels of the Courts, Administrative Courts, and the Commission on the Disciplinary Sanctions of Functionaries 3月份 DOCODT
563 各級法院行政法院及公務員懲戒委員會未結案件經過時間 State of Elapse of Time of Unterminated Cases in All Levels of the Courts, Administrative Courts, and the Commission on the Disciplinary Sanctions of Functionaries 2月份 DOCODT
564 各級法院行政法院及公務員懲戒委員會未結案件經過時間 State of Elapse of Time of Unterminated Cases in All Levels of the Courts, Administrative Courts, and the Commission on the Disciplinary Sanctions of Functionaries 1月份 DOCODT