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No. Title Month Download
121 Summary of Administrative Cases Handled by the High Administrative Courts December PDFODT
122 Summary of Administrative Cases Handled by the High Administrative Courts November PDFODT
123 Summary of Administrative Cases Handled by the High Administrative Courts October ODTPDF
124 Summary of Administrative Cases Handled by the High Administrative Courts September PDFODT
125 Summary of Administrative Cases Handled by the High Administrative Courts August PDFODT
126 Summary of Administrative Cases Handled by the High Administrative Courts July PDFODT
127 Summary of Administrative Cases Handled by the High Administrative Courts June PDFODT
128 Summary of Administrative Cases Handled by the High Administrative Courts May PDFODT
129 Summary of Administrative Cases Handled by the High Administrative Courts April PDFODT
130 Summary of Administrative Cases Handled by the High Administrative Courts February PDFODT
131 Summary of Administrative Cases Handled by the High Administrative Courts January PDFODT
132 Summary of Administrative Cases Handled by the High Administrative Courts March PDFODT
133 State of Administrative Cases of the First Instance Terminated by the High Administrative Courts December PDFODT
134 State of Administrative Cases of the First Instance Terminated by the High Administrative Courts November PDFODT
135 State of Administrative Cases of the First Instance Terminated by the High Administrative Courts October PDFODT
136 State of Administrative Cases of the First Instance Terminated by the High Administrative Courts September PDFODT
137 State of Administrative Cases of the First Instance Terminated by the High Administrative Courts August PDFODT
138 State of Administrative Cases of the First Instance Terminated by the High Administrative Courts July PDFODT
139 State of Administrative Cases of the First Instance Terminated by the High Administrative Courts June PDFODT
140 State of Administrative Cases of the First Instance Terminated by the High Administrative Courts May PDFODT