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No. Title Month Download
1 Summary of Filings in the Judicial Yuan & Its Subordinate Organs - by Year August PDFODT
2 Summary of Filings Cases in the Judicial Yuan & Its Subordinate Organs – by Organs August PDFODT
3 State of Filings and Dispositions of Interpretation Cases of Justices of the Constitutional Court August PDFODT
4 State of Filings and Dispositions of Private Citizen's Petition Cases in the Judicial Yuan August PDFODT
5 Summary of Civil Cases Handled by the Supreme Court August PDFODT
6 State of Civil Appeal Cases Terminated by the Supreme Court August PDFODT
7 Summary of Criminal Cases Handled by the Supreme Court August PDFODT
8 State of Criminal Appeal Cases Terminated by the Supreme Court August PDFODT
9 Summary of Administrative Cases Handled by the Supreme Administrative Court August PDFODT
10 State of Administrative Appeal Cases Terminated by the Supreme Administrative Court August PDFODT
11 Summary of Administrative Cases Handled by the High Administrative Courts August PDFODT
12 State of Administrative Cases of the First Instance Terminated by the High Administrative Courts August PDFODT
13 Summary of Trial Cases Handled by Disciplinary Court August PDFODT
14 State of Filing and Disposition of the first instance of the Disciplinary Chamber in the Disciplinary Court August PDFODT
15 State of Filings and Dispositions of Retrial Cases in Disciplinary Court August PDFODT
16 Summary of Cases Handled by the Intellectual Property and Commercial Court August PDFODT
17 Type of Cases Terminated Handled by the Intellectual Property and Commercial Court August PDFODT
18 Summary of Civil Cases Handled by the High Courts and Their Branches August PDFODT
19 Civil Cases Terminated by the High Courts and Their Branches August PDFODT
20 Summary of Criminal Cases Handled by the High Courts and Their Branches August PDFODT