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項次 中文 英文
101 中央政府建設公債及借款條例 Central Government Development Bonds and Loans Act
102 中央政府興建台灣北部第二高速公路建設公債發行條例 Act Governing the Issuance of the Public Construction Bond by the Central Government for Building Second Taiwan North Highway
103 中央政府總預算 Central Government's budgets
104 中央健康保險局 Bureau of National Health Insurance
105 中央銀行法 The Central Bank of the Republic of China (Taiwan) Act
106 中央機關 central government agency
107 中央警察大學組織條例 Organization Act of the Central Police University
108 中華民國四十八年短期公債發行條例 Act Governing the Issuance of 1959 Short -Term Public Bond
109 中華民國訓政時期約法 Provisional Constitution for the Period of Political Tutelage of the Republic of China
110 中華民國專屬經濟海域及大陸礁層法 Law on the Exclusive Economic Zone and the Continental Shelf of the Republic of China
111 中華民國領海及鄰接區法 Law on the Territorial Sea and the Contiguous Zone of the Republic of China
112 中華民國憲法 The Constitution of the Republic of China
113 中華民國憲法增修條文 The Amendment of the Constitution of the Republic of China
114 中華民國總統 ROC President
115 中醫師 Chinese herb doctor
116 中藥 Chinese medicine
117 五院制 Five-Yuan System
118 五權分立 Five Power Division
119 yuan (NT$, New Taiwan dollar)
120 內政部役政署組織條例 Organizational Statute for Conscription Affairs Administration, Ministry of the Interior