Yearbook 2020
No. | Title | Download |
81 | 33. Notification and Suspension of Notification by the High Courts and Their Branches – by Year and Organ | PDFODT |
82 | 34. Approval for Communication Access Cases by the High Courts and Their Branches – by Year | ODTPDF |
83 | 35. Approval for Communication Access Cases by the High Courts and Their Branches – by Cause | ODTPDF |
84 | 36. Approval for Communication Access Cases by the High Courts and Their Branches – by Organ | ODTPDF |
85 | 37. State of Electronic Surveillance Cases Terminated by the High Courts and Their Branches – by Year and Case | ODTPDF |
86 | High Administrative Courts Statistical Tables | |
87 | 1. Actual Number of Employees of the High Administrative Courts – by Year and Organ | PDFODT |
88 | 2. State of Filings and Dispositions of Administrative Cases in the High Administrative Courts – by Year and Organ | PDFODT |
89 | 3. State of Administrative Cases of the First Instance Terminated by the High Administrative Courts – by Year and Type | PDFODT |
90 | 4. First Instance Administrative Cases Terminated by the High Administrative Courts – by Pattern and Year | ODTPDF |
91 | 5. State of Administrative Cases of the First Instance Terminated by the High Administrative Courts – by Pattern | PDFODT |
92 | 6. Administrative Simple Appeals Cases Terminated by the High Administrative Courts – by Pattern and Year | ODTPDF |
93 | 7. State of Administrative Simple Appeals Cases Terminated by the High Administrative Courts – by Year | ODTPDF |
94 | 8. State of Administrative Simple Appeals Cases Terminated by the High Administrative Courts – by Pattern | ODTPDF |
95 | Intellectual Property Court Statistical Tables | |
96 | 1. Actual Number of Employees of the Intellectual Property Court – by Year | PDFODT |
97 | 2. State of Filings and Dispositions in the Intellectual Property Court – by Year and Cases Type | PDFODT |
98 | 3. Number of Filings and Dispositions of Civil Cases in the Intellectual Property Court – by Proceeding and Year | PDFODT |
99 | 4. State and Subject-Matter Amounts of Money of Civil Cases Terminated in the First Instance by the Intellectual Property Court – by Year and Litigation Type | PDFODT |
100 | 5. State of Filings and Dispositions of Civil Appeals Cases in the Intellectual Property Court – by Year and Organ | PDFODT |