Yearbook 2016
No. | Title | Download |
121 | 14.State and Subject-Matter Amounts of Money of Civil Simple Procedure Cases Terminated in the First Instance by the District Courts – by Organ | |
122 | 15.State and Subject-Matter Amounts of Money of Civil Simple Procedure Cases Terminated in the First Instance by the District Courts – by Type | |
123 | 16.State of Civil Simple Procedure Cases Terminated in the Second Instance by the District Courts – by Organ | |
124 | 17.State and Subject-Matter Amounts of Civil Small Claim Cases Terminated in the First Instance by the District Courts – by Organ | |
125 | 18.State and Subject-Matter Amounts of Civil Small Claim Cases Terminated in the First Instance by the District Courts – by Type | |
126 | 19.State of Filings and Dispositions of Family Cases in the District Courts – by Year | |
127 | 20.State of Filings and Dispositions of Family Cases in the District Courts – by Organ | |
128 | 21.Number of Filings and Dispositions of Family Cases in the District Courts – by Year | |
129 | 22.Procedures of Family Case Terminated by the District Courts – by Organ | |
130 | 23.State of Filings and Dispositions of Petitions for Civil Protection Writs in the District Courts – by Type and Organ | |
131 | 24.State of Filings and Dispositions of Petitions for Civil Protection Writs in the District Courts – by Year and Type | |
132 | 25.Divorce Cases Terminated by the District Courts – by Year | |
133 | 26.Divorce Cases Terminated by the District Courts – by Organ | |
134 | 27.Divorce Cases Terminated by the District Courts – by Cause | |
135 | 28.Causes of Divorce Cases Terminated by the District Courts – by Year | |
136 | 29.State of Civil Mediation Cases Terminated in the First Instance by the District Courts – by Year | |
137 | 30.State of Civil Mediation Cases Terminated in the First Instance by the District Courts – by Organ | |
138 | 31.State of Civil (excluding family cases) Mediation Cases Terminated in the First Instance by the District Courts – by Year | |
139 | 32.State of Civil (excluding family cases) Mediation Cases Terminated in the First Instance by the District Courts – by Organ | |
140 | 33.State of Filings and Dispositions of Civil (excluding family cases) Non-contentious Cases in the District Courts – by Year | |
141 | 34.State of Filings and Dispositions of Civil (excluding family cases) Non-contentious Cases in the District Courts – by Organ | |
142 | 35.State of Filings and Dispositions of Civil (excluding family cases) Non-contentious Cases in the District Courts – by Incidences | |
143 | 36.State of Filings and Dispositions of Family Non-contentious Cases in the District Courts – by Year and Type | |
144 | 37.State of Filings and Dispositions of Family Non-contentious Cases in the District Courts – by Organ | |
145 | 38.State of Filings and Dispositions of Lodgment Cases in the District Courts – by Year | |
146 | 39.State of Filings and Dispositions of Lodgment Cases in the District Courts – by Organ | |
147 | 40.State of Filings and Dispositions of Retrial Cases in the District Courts – by Year | |
148 | 41.State of Filings and Dispositions of Retrial Cases in the District Courts – by Organ | |
149 | 42.State of Civil Bankruptcy Cases Terminated by the District Courts – by Year | |
150 | 43.State of Civil Bankruptcy Cases Terminated by the District Courts – by Organ | |
151 | 44.Subject-Matter Amount of Money of Civil Bankruptcy Cases Terminated by the District Courts – by Year | |
152 | 45.State of Civil Bankruptcy Cases Terminated by the District Courts – by Subject-Matter Amount of Money | |
153 | 46.State of Filings and Dispositions of Notarization and Authentication Cases in the District Courts – by Year | |
154 | 47.State of Filings and Dispositions of Notarization Cases in the District Courts – by Organ | |
155 | 48.State of Filings and Dispositions of Notarization and Authentication Cases in the District Courts – by Type | |
156 | 49.Types of Notarization and Authentication Cases Terminated by the District Courts – by Organ | |
157 | 50.Types of Notarization and Authentication Cases Terminated by the District Courts – by Year | |
158 | 51.State of Notarization and Authentication Cases Terminated by the Private Notaries – by Organ | |
159 | 52.State of Notarization and Authentication Cases Terminated by the Private Notaries – by Type | |
160 | 53.State of Examination and verification of Township/Town Mediation Cases Handled by the District Courts – by Year |