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項次 中文 英文
641 戒嚴時期人民受損權利回復條例 Act Governing the Recovery of Damage of Individual Rights during the Period of Martial Law
642 戒護場所 Guard and Control Area
643 抗告 motion to setting aside court rulings
644 抗告事件維持率 Affirmed Rulings Rate
645 技士(委任) Assistant Technical Specialist
646 技士(薦任) Associate Technical Specialist
647 技工 Technical Worker
648 技正 Technical Specialist
649 技師法 Professional Engineers Act
650 技術審查官 Technical Examination Officer
651 批准 ratification
652 折算一日金額 daily conversion rate
653 更正戶籍登記出生年月日辦法 Regulations for Correction of Birth Date on Household Registration Record
654 更正裁定 amendment ruling
655 更正訴訟程序性的錯誤 amendment to correct litigation procedural errors
656 更衣室 Dressing Room或Locker
657 每屆總統任滿 end of the Presidential term
658 決算 Financial Statement
659 決算法 Financial Statement Act
660 沒入; 沒收 confiscation; forfeiture
661 沒收之財產 seized properties
662 災害防救法 Disaster Prevention and Protection Act
663 男女平等 gender equality; gender equity
664 男化妝室 Gentlemen Restroom
665 私文書 private document
666 私立學校法 Private School Law
667 私立學校規程 Regulations Governing the Private School
668 私有土地所有權人 private land owner
669 私法 private law
670 私法人 private corporate bodies
671 私密性 privacy
672 私運貨物 smuggling goods
673 系統工程師 Computer Systems Engineer
674 系統分析師 Computer Systems Analyst
675 見證人 witness
676 言詞 Verbal Arguments
677 言詞辯論 oral arguments
678 言論自由 freedom of speech
679 走私 smuggling
680 身心障礙者保護法 Physically and Mentally Disabled Citizens Protection Act