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Yearbook 2020

No. Title Download
81 33. Notification and Suspension of Notification by the High Courts and Their Branches – by Year and Organ PDFODT
82 34. Approval for Communication Access Cases by the High Courts and Their Branches – by Year ODTPDF
83 35. Approval for Communication Access Cases by the High Courts and Their Branches – by Cause ODTPDF
84 36. Approval for Communication Access Cases by the High Courts and Their Branches – by Organ ODTPDF
85 37. State of Electronic Surveillance Cases Terminated by the High Courts and Their Branches – by Year and Case ODTPDF
86 High Administrative Courts Statistical Tables PDF
87 1. Actual Number of Employees of the High Administrative Courts – by Year and Organ PDFODT
88 2. State of Filings and Dispositions of Administrative Cases in the High Administrative Courts – by Year and Organ PDFODT
89 3. State of Administrative Cases of the First Instance Terminated by the High Administrative Courts – by Year and Type PDFODT
90 4. First Instance Administrative Cases Terminated by the High Administrative Courts – by Pattern and Year ODTPDF
91 5. State of Administrative Cases of the First Instance Terminated by the High Administrative Courts – by Pattern PDFODT
92 6. Administrative Simple Appeals Cases Terminated by the High Administrative Courts – by Pattern and Year ODTPDF
93 7. State of Administrative Simple Appeals Cases Terminated by the High Administrative Courts – by Year ODTPDF
94 8. State of Administrative Simple Appeals Cases Terminated by the High Administrative Courts – by Pattern ODTPDF
95 Intellectual Property Court Statistical Tables PDF
96 1. Actual Number of Employees of the Intellectual Property Court – by Year PDFODT
97 2. State of Filings and Dispositions in the Intellectual Property Court – by Year and Cases Type PDFODT
98 3. Number of Filings and Dispositions of Civil Cases in the Intellectual Property Court – by Proceeding and Year PDFODT
99 4. State and Subject-Matter Amounts of Money of Civil Cases Terminated in the First Instance by the Intellectual Property Court – by Year and Litigation Type PDFODT
100 5. State of Filings and Dispositions of Civil Appeals Cases in the Intellectual Property Court – by Year and Organ PDFODT
101 6. State of Filings and Dispositions of Civil Appeals against rulings in the Intellectual Property Court – by Year and Organ PDFODT
102 7. State of Civil Cases of the Second Instance Terminated by the Intellectual Property Court – by Year and Litigation Type PDFODT
103 8. State of Civil Appeals Cases of the Third Instance Remanded or Assigned for New Trial Terminated by the Intellectual Property Court – by Year and Litigation Type PDFODT
104 9. Number of Filings and Dispositions of Criminal Cases in the Intellectual Property Court – by Proceeding and Year PDFODT
105 10. State of Filings and Dispositions of Criminal Appeals Cases in the Intellectual Property Court – by Year and Organ PDFODT
106 11. State of Filings and Dispositions of Criminal Appeals against rulings in the Intellectual Property Court – by Year and Organ PDFODT
107 12. Results of Judgments and Rulings of Criminal Appeals Cases by the Intellectual Property Court – by Year and Crime Type PDFODT
108 13. Results of Judgments and Rulings of Criminal Appeals Cases of the Third Instance Remanded or Assigned for New Trial Terminated by the Intellectual Property Court – by Year and Crime Type PDFODT
109 14. Results of Judgments and Rulings of Criminal Cases of the Second Instance Rendered by the Intellectual Property Court – by Year PDFODT
110 15. Results of Judgments and Rulings of Criminal Cases of the Second Instance Rendered by the Intellectual Property Court – by Crime Type PDFODT
111 16. State of Filings and Dispositions of Supplementary Civil Action Cases in the Intellectual Property Court – by Year(Supplementary Civil Action Portion) PDFODT
112 17. State of Filings and Dispositions of Supplementary Civil Action Cases in the Intellectual Property Court – by Year(Portion of Supplementary Civil Action, Appellant and De Novo) PDFODT
113 18. Number of Filings and Dispositions of Administrative Cases in the Intellectual Property Court – by Proceeding and Year PDFODT
114 19. State of Administrative Cases of the First Instance Terminated by the Intellectual Property Court – by Year and Type PDFODT
115 20. State of Administrative Cases of the First Instance Terminated by the Intellectual Property Court – by Year and Pattern PDFODT
116 21. State of Foreign-Related Civil Cases of the First Instance Terminated by the Intellectual Property Court – by Year and Litigation Type PDFODT
117 22. State of Foreign-Related Civil Cases of the Second Instance Terminated by the Intellectual Property Court – by Year and Litigation Type PDFODT
118 23. State of Foreign-Related Criminal Cases of the Second Instance Terminated by the Intellectual Property Court – by Year and Crime Type PDFODT
119 24. State of Foreign-Related Administrative Cases of the First Instance Terminated by the Intellectual Property Court – by Year and Pattern PDFODT
120 25. State of Filings and Dispositions of Compensation for Wrongful Detentions and Executions Cases in the Intellectual Property Court – by Year PDFODT