No. | 標題 | Month | Download |
1 | 司法院及所屬各機關業務提要分析 | September | |
2 | 司法院暨所屬各機關各項案件新收概況-年別 Summary of newly received cases at Judicial Yuan and its subordinate agencies - by year | September | PDFODT |
3 | 司法院暨所屬各機關各項案件新收概況-機關別 Summary of newly received cases at Judicial Yuan and its subordinate agencies – by agency | September | PDFODT |
4 | 大法官解釋案件收結件數及辦理情形 State of Filings and Dispositions in the Council of Grand Justices | September | PDFODT |
5 | 人民陳訴案件收結件數及進行情形 State of Private Citizen's Petition Cases and Their Dispositions | September | PDFODT |
6 | 最高法院民事事件辦理概況 Summary of Civil Cases Handled by the Supreme Court | September | PDFODT |
7 | 最高法院民事上訴事件終結情形 Summary on the state of the High Court civil appeals case closings | September | PDFODT |
8 | 最高法院刑事案件辦理概況 Summary of Criminal Cases Handled by the Supreme Court | September | PDFODT |
9 | 最高法院刑事上訴案件終結情形 State of Criminal Appeal Cases Terminated by the Supreme Court | September | PDFODT |
10 | 最高行政法院行政訴訟事件辦理概況 Summary of Administrative Cases Handled by the Supreme Administrative Court | September | PDFODT |
11 | 最高行政法院行政訴訟上訴事件終結情形 State of Administrative Appeal Cases Terminated by the Administrative Supreme Court | September | PDFODT |
12 | 高等行政法院行政訴訟事件辦理概況 Summary of Administrative Cases Handled by the High Administrative Courts | September | PDFODT |
13 | 高等行政法院行政訴訟第一審事件終結情形 State of Administrative Cases of First Instance Handled by the High Administrative Court | September | PDFODT |
14 | 懲戒法院審理案件辦理概況 Summary of Trial Cases Handled by Disciplinary Court | September | PDFODT |
15 | 懲戒法院懲戒法庭第一審懲戒案件收結件數及處分情形 State of Filing and Disposition of the first instance of the Disciplinary Chamber in the Disciplinary Court | September | PDFODT |
16 | 懲戒法院再審案件收結件數及終結情形 State of Filings and Dispositions of Retrial Cases in Disciplinary Court | September | PDFODT |
17 | 智慧財產法院案件辦理概況 Summary of Criminal Cases Handled by the Intellectual Property Court | September | PDFODT |
18 | 智慧財產法院終結案件訴訟種類 Type of Cases Terminated Handled by the Intellectual Property Court | September | PDFODT |
19 | 高等法院民事事件辦理概況 Summary of Civil Cases Handled by the High Courts and Their Branches | September | PDFODT |
20 | 高等法院民事事件終結件數 Civil Cases Terminated by the High Courts and Their Branches | September | PDFODT |