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No. Title Month Download
1 司法院暨所屬各機關各項案件新收概況-年別 Summary of newly received cases at Judicial Yuan and its subordinate agencies - by year October DOCODT
2 司法院暨所屬各機關各項案件新收概況-機關別 Summary of newly received cases at Judicial Yuan and its subordinate agencies – by agency October DOCODT
3 大法官解釋案件收結件數及辦理情形 State of Filings and Dispositions in the Council of Grand Justices October DOCODT
4 人民陳訴案件收結件數及進行情形 State of Private Citizen's Petition Cases and Their Dispositions October DOCODT
5 最高法院民事事件辦理概況 Summary of Civil Cases Handled by the Supreme Court October DOCODT
6 最高法院民事上訴事件終結情形 Summary on the state of the High Court civil appeals case closings October DOCODT
7 最高法院刑事案件辦理概況 Summary of Criminal Cases Handled by the Supreme Court October DOCODT
8 最高法院刑事上訴案件終結情形 State of Criminal Appeal Cases Terminated by the Supreme Court October DOCODT
9 最高行政法院行政訴訟事件辦理概況 Summary of Administrative Cases Handled by the Supreme Administrative Court October DOCODT
10 最高行政法院行政訴訟上訴事件終結情形 State of Administrative Appeal Cases Terminated by the Administrative Supreme Court October DOCODT
11 高等行政法院行政訴訟事件辦理概況 Summary of Administrative Cases Handled by the High Administrative Courts October DOCODT
12 高等行政法院行政訴訟第一審事件終結情形 State of Administrative Cases of First Instance Handled by the High Administrative Court October DOCODT
13 公務員懲戒委員會審議案件辦理概況 Summary of Adjudication Cases Handled by the Commission on the Disciplinary Sanctions of Functionaries October DOCODT
14 公務員懲戒委員會懲戒案件收結件數及處分情形 State of Filings and Dispositions of Disciplinary Cases in the Commission on the Disciplinary Sanctions of Functionaries October DOCODT
15 公務員懲戒委員會再審議案件收結件數及議決情形 State of Filings and Dispositions of Re-adjudication Cases in the Commission on the Disciplinary Sanctions of Functionaries October DOCODT
16 智慧財產法院案件辦理概況 Summary of Criminal Cases Handled by the Intellectual Property Court October DOCODT
17 智慧財產法院終結案件訴訟種類 Type of Cases Terminated Handled by the Intellectual Property Court October DOCODT
18 高等法院民事事件辦理概況 Summary of Civil Cases Handled by the High Courts and Their Branches October DOCODT
19 高等法院民事事件終結件數 Civil Cases Terminated by the High Courts and Their Branches October DOCODT
20 高等法院刑事案件辦理概況 Summary of Criminal Cases Handled by the High Courts and Their Branches October DOCODT
21 高等法院刑事案件終結件數 Criminal Cases Terminated by the High Courts and Their Branches October DOCODT
22 地方法院民事事件辦理概況-年別 Summary of Civil Cases Handled by the District Courts - by Year October DOCODT
23 地方法院民事事件辦理概況-機關別 Summary of Civil Cases Handled by the District Courts - by Organ October DOCODT
24 地方法院民事終結事件訴訟程序 Procedures for Civil Cases Terminated by the District courts October DOCODT
25 地方法院簡易庭辦理民事事件概況 Summary of Civil Cases Handled by the District Court Summary Divisions October DOCODT
26 地方法院民事第一審終結案件訴訟種類 Types of the Civil Cases Terminated in the First Instance by the District Courts October DOCODT
27 地方法院民事第一審終結案件標的金額 Subject-matter Amounts of Money of the Civil Cases Terminated in the First Instance by the District Courts October DOCODT
28 地方法院民事消債事件收結情形─按月別及訴訟程序別分 State of Filings and Dispositions of Debt Discharge Civil Cases by the District Courts - by Month and Litigation Procedure October DOCODT
29 地方法院民事消債事件收結情形─機關別State of Filings and Dispositions of Debt Discharge Civil Cases by the District Courts - by Organ October DOCODT
30 地方法院民事消債聲請免責(不免責)終結情形 Cases closed of Relief of Debt Discharge Civil Cases October DOCODT
31 地方法院家事事件辦理概況─年別 Summary of Family Cases Handled by the District Courts - by Year October DOCODT
32 地方法院家事事件辦理概況─機關別 Summary of Family Cases Handled by the District Courts - by Organ October DOCODT
33 地方法院家事終結事件訴訟程序─機關別 Procdeures for Family Cases Terminated by the District Courts - by Organ October DOCODT
34 地方法院民事保護令聲請事件終結情形-年別 State of Petitions for Civil Protection Writs Terminated by the District Courts - by Year October DOCODT
35 地方法院民事保護令聲請事件終結情形-機關別 State of Petitions for Civil Protection Writs Terminated by the District Courts - by Organ October DOCODT
36 地方法院民事強制執行事件收結概況 Summary of Filings and Dispositions of Civil Compulsory Execution Cases in the District Courts October DOCODT
37 地方法院行政訴訟事件收結概況 Summary of Filings and Dispositions of Administrative Cases in the District Courts October DOCODT
38 地方法院行政訴訟事件辦理概況-機關別 Summary of Administrative Cases Handled by the District Courts - by Organ October DOCODT
39 地方法院刑事案件辦理概況-年別 Summary of Criminal Cases handled by the District Courts - by Year October DOCODT
40 地方法院刑事案件辦理概況-機關別 Summary of Criminal Cases Handled by the District Courts - by Organ October DOCODT