No. | Title | Month | Download |
21 | 高等法院刑事案件終結件數 Criminal Cases Terminated by the High Courts and Their Branches | March | DOCODT |
22 | 地方法院民事事件辦理概況-年別 Summary of Civil Cases Handled by the District Courts - by Year | March | DOCODT |
23 | 地方法院民事事件辦理概況-機關別 Summary of Civil Cases Handled by the District Courts - by Organ | March | DOCODT |
24 | 地方法院民事終結事件訴訟程序 Procedures for Civil Cases Terminated by the District courts | March | DOCODT |
25 | 地方法院簡易庭辦理民事事件概況 Summary of Civil Cases Handled by the District Court Summary Divisions | March | DOCODT |
26 | 地方法院民事第一審終結案件訴訟種類 Types of the Civil Cases Terminated in the First Instance by the District Courts | March | DOCODT |
27 | 地方法院民事第一審終結案件標的金額 Subject-matter Amounts of Money of the Civil Cases Terminated in the First Instance by the District Courts | March | DOCODT |
28 | 地方法院民事消債事件收結情形─按月別及訴訟程序別分 State of Filings and Dispositions of Debt Discharge Civil Cases by the District Courts - by Month and Litigation Procedure | March | DOCODT |
29 | 地方法院民事消債事件收結情形─機關別State of Filings and Dispositions of Debt Discharge Civil Cases by the District Courts - by Organ | March | DOCODT |
30 | 地方法院民事消債聲請免責(不免責)終結情形 Cases closed of Relief of Debt Discharge Civil Cases | March | DOCODT |
31 | 地方法院家事事件辦理概況─年別 Summary of Family Cases Handled by the District Courts - by Year | March | DOCODT |
32 | 地方法院家事事件辦理概況─機關別 Summary of Family Cases Handled by the District Courts - by Organ | March | DOCODT |
33 | 地方法院家事終結事件訴訟程序─機關別 Procdeures for Family Cases Terminated by the District Courts - by Organ | March | DOCODT |
34 | 地方法院民事保護令聲請事件終結情形-年別 State of Petitions for Civil Protection Writs Terminated by the District Courts - by Year | March | DOCODT |
35 | 地方法院民事保護令聲請事件終結情形-機關別 State of Petitions for Civil Protection Writs Terminated by the District Courts - by Organ | March | DOCODT |
36 | 地方法院民事強制執行事件收結概況 Summary of Filings and Dispositions of Civil Compulsory Execution Cases in the District Courts | March | DOCODT |
37 | 地方法院行政訴訟事件收結概況 Summary of Filings and Dispositions of Administrative Cases in the District Courts | March | DOCODT |
38 | 地方法院行政訴訟事件辦理概況-機關別 Summary of Administrative Cases Handled by the District Courts - by Organ | March | DOCODT |
39 | 地方法院刑事案件辦理概況-年別 Summary of Criminal Cases handled by the District Courts - by Year | March | DOCODT |
40 | 地方法院刑事案件辦理概況-機關別 Summary of Criminal Cases Handled by the District Courts - by Organ | March | DOCODT |