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No. Title Month Download
41 地方法院少年暨兒童保護事件調查收結情形 State of Filings and Investigations of Juvenile and Child Protection Cases in the District Courts January DOCODT
42 地方法院少年暨兒童保護事件審理收結情形 State of Filings and Adjudications of Juvenile and Child Protection Cases in the District Courts January DOCODT
43 地方法院少年暨兒童保護事件執行收結情形 State of Filings and Executions of Juvenile and Child Protection Cases in the District Courts January DOCODT
44 各級法院重大刑事案件收結情形及未結案件經過時間 State of Filings and Dispositions of Major Criminal Cases and Elapse of Time of Unterminated Cases in All Levels of the Courts January DOCODT
45 各級法院辦理重大刑事案件科刑情形 State of Sentencing on Major Criminal Cases Handled by All Levels of the Courts January DOCODT
46 各級法院宣告緩刑人數統計情形 State of Statistics on the Number of Parolees Announced by All Levels of the Courts January DOCODT
47 各級法院行政法院及公務員懲戒委員會未結案件經過時間 State of Elapse of Time of Unterminated Cases in All Levels of the Courts, Administrative Courts, and the Commission on the Disciplinary Sanctions of Functionaries January DOCODT