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No. Title Month Download
1 司法院暨所屬各機關各項案件新收概況-年別 Summary of newly received cases at Judicial Yuan and its subordinate agencies - by year December DOCODT
2 司法院暨所屬各機關各項案件新收概況-年別 Summary of newly received cases at Judicial Yuan and its subordinate agencies - by year November DOCODT
3 司法院暨所屬各機關各項案件新收概況-年別 Summary of newly received cases at Judicial Yuan and its subordinate agencies - by year October DOCODT
4 司法院暨所屬各機關各項案件新收概況-年別 Summary of newly received cases at Judicial Yuan and its subordinate agencies - by year September DOCODT
5 司法院暨所屬各機關各項案件新收概況-年別 Summary of newly received cases at Judicial Yuan and its subordinate agencies - by year August DOCODT
6 司法院暨所屬各機關各項案件新收概況-年別 Summary of newly received cases at Judicial Yuan and its subordinate agencies - by year July DOCODT
7 司法院暨所屬各機關各項案件新收概況-年別 Summary of newly received cases at Judicial Yuan and its subordinate agencies - by year June DOCODT
8 司法院暨所屬各機關各項案件新收概況-年別 Summary of newly received cases at Judicial Yuan and its subordinate agencies - by year May DOCODT
9 司法院暨所屬各機關各項案件新收概況-年別 Summary of newly received cases at Judicial Yuan and its subordinate agencies - by year April DOCODT
10 司法院暨所屬各機關各項案件新收概況-年別 Summary of newly received cases at Judicial Yuan and its subordinate agencies - by year March DOCODT
11 司法院暨所屬各機關各項案件新收概況-年別 Summary of newly received cases at Judicial Yuan and its subordinate agencies - by year February DOCODT
12 司法院暨所屬各機關各項案件新收概況-年別 Summary of newly received cases at Judicial Yuan and its subordinate agencies - by year January DOCODT
13 司法院暨所屬各機關各項案件新收概況-機關別 Summary of newly received cases at Judicial Yuan and its subordinate agencies – by agency December DOCODT
14 司法院暨所屬各機關各項案件新收概況-機關別 Summary of newly received cases at Judicial Yuan and its subordinate agencies – by agency November DOCODT
15 司法院暨所屬各機關各項案件新收概況-機關別 Summary of newly received cases at Judicial Yuan and its subordinate agencies – by agency October DOCODT
16 司法院暨所屬各機關各項案件新收概況-機關別 Summary of newly received cases at Judicial Yuan and its subordinate agencies – by agency September DOCODT
17 司法院暨所屬各機關各項案件新收概況-機關別 Summary of newly received cases at Judicial Yuan and its subordinate agencies – by agency August DOCODT
18 司法院暨所屬各機關各項案件新收概況-機關別 Summary of newly received cases at Judicial Yuan and its subordinate agencies – by agency July DOCODT
19 司法院暨所屬各機關各項案件新收概況-機關別 Summary of newly received cases at Judicial Yuan and its subordinate agencies – by agency June DOCODT
20 司法院暨所屬各機關各項案件新收概況-機關別 Summary of newly received cases at Judicial Yuan and its subordinate agencies – by agency May DOCODT